RHP in 2025
In December 2024, the governing board of Richfield Heritage Preserve voted to end the Memorandum of Understanding with the Friends of Richfield Heritage Preserve. By January, our organization was removed as an affiliate from the Park's website, and the 2025 programs and events proposed by the Friends this past November were rejected by the Park Director (unlike those sponsored by the Ohio Horseman's Council and Oviatt House Inc.) The following is Friends' president Corey Ringle's response to the over 50 residents and Friends' supporters who came to the governing board's January 27 meeting. (Richfield Times write up here)
A message from the Friends' President, Corey Ringle
Thank you to everyone who gave up their Monday evening to attend last Monday's RJRD Board meeting. As many of you know -- in December 2024 -- the RJRD board decided not to renew the Friends of Richfield Heritage Preserve's agreement. There was a conversation amongst some RJRD Trustees that the Friends of RHP could still work on projects such as Kirby's Mill and Garfield Hall as well as the historic home stabilization without the agreement.
But actions speak louder than words. Since that December meeting, the Friends 2025 programming was not approved, including popular events like Winter Wonders and Mill Docent Sundays. The locks were changed at the Mill and the park director sent an email that the RJRD may stop work at the Mill (mothball the structure) and use Mill donations on other park projects. The Friends of RHP are no longer listed as park partners, despite all the work at Amity House, Garfield Hall, and Kirby's Mill. As a resident and taxpayer, I'm disappointed!
We know the community loves these structures. We know the Friends of RHP can help with the restoration. So why stop progress, especially the improvements at no cost to the residents? Thank you to everyone who came out to stand up for this park and the dedicated volunteers and donors who want to see these projects completed.
Next meeting of the Richfield Joint Recreation District board is scheduled for Monday, February 24, 6:30 at p.m., Richfield Village Hall (4410 West Streetsboro Road, Richfield, with a Zoom meeting option available for attendees.) Your involvement makes a difference!
Friends face challenges through the years -- 2025 will be no different
If the Friends of RHP had a motto, it would be "making the impossible possible." Since our founding, we have adapted, persevered and found a way to work with our partners to preserve the natural and historic heritage of this community treasure. The last two months presented a new challenge to the Friends, but we are not giving up on our efforts to continue working with RJRD to reach an agreement to continue restoration of the historic structures and sponsor events in the park. The Friends' board members are up to the challenge.-- we know our members have our back! Stay tuned and look for our Annual Meeting details in the next MillWrite!
We have posted our detailed MONTHLY REPORTS to the RJRD from 2024 and we will continue to update this page. Check out our ANNUAL REPORTS TO THE COMMUNITY -- 2024 will soon be added to the list which starts with 2015.
Thank you to everyone who gave up their Monday evening to attend last Monday's RJRD Board meeting. As many of you know -- in December 2024 -- the RJRD board decided not to renew the Friends of Richfield Heritage Preserve's agreement. There was a conversation amongst some RJRD Trustees that the Friends of RHP could still work on projects such as Kirby's Mill and Garfield Hall as well as the historic home stabilization without the agreement.
But actions speak louder than words. Since that December meeting, the Friends 2025 programming was not approved, including popular events like Winter Wonders and Mill Docent Sundays. The locks were changed at the Mill and the park director sent an email that the RJRD may stop work at the Mill (mothball the structure) and use Mill donations on other park projects. The Friends of RHP are no longer listed as park partners, despite all the work at Amity House, Garfield Hall, and Kirby's Mill. As a resident and taxpayer, I'm disappointed!
We know the community loves these structures. We know the Friends of RHP can help with the restoration. So why stop progress, especially the improvements at no cost to the residents? Thank you to everyone who came out to stand up for this park and the dedicated volunteers and donors who want to see these projects completed.
Next meeting of the Richfield Joint Recreation District board is scheduled for Monday, February 24, 6:30 at p.m., Richfield Village Hall (4410 West Streetsboro Road, Richfield, with a Zoom meeting option available for attendees.) Your involvement makes a difference!
Friends face challenges through the years -- 2025 will be no different
If the Friends of RHP had a motto, it would be "making the impossible possible." Since our founding, we have adapted, persevered and found a way to work with our partners to preserve the natural and historic heritage of this community treasure. The last two months presented a new challenge to the Friends, but we are not giving up on our efforts to continue working with RJRD to reach an agreement to continue restoration of the historic structures and sponsor events in the park. The Friends' board members are up to the challenge.-- we know our members have our back! Stay tuned and look for our Annual Meeting details in the next MillWrite!
We have posted our detailed MONTHLY REPORTS to the RJRD from 2024 and we will continue to update this page. Check out our ANNUAL REPORTS TO THE COMMUNITY -- 2024 will soon be added to the list which starts with 2015.
RHP Updated Master Plan
At the January 27, 2025 RJRD meeting, Park Director John Peispsny, distributed the following 3-page projected project list for the RJRD's consideration