Friends of Crowell Hilaka 2015
( aka FoCH. pronounced "folk" )
We are a group of community leaders, conservationists, outdoor recreation advocates, and historians who are committed to preserving Richfield Heritage Preserve, the 336-acre former Kirby and Neal estates in Richfield, Ohio. Prior to becoming a public park under the administration of the Richfield Joint Recreation District ( RJRD) in 2015, the property was a popular Girl Scout camp. Organized and incorporated in 2009; FoCH became a 501c3 in 2015 following Richfield's decision to purchase and protect the land. Our continuing mission is to promote the many positive benefits of the Preserve.
Because the park is so new, everyone is still figuring out the best way to do things. One of the ways we hope we can assist is to raise funds for park improvement. We believe we can do this by promoting the unique features of the park throughout the Northeast Ohio region and by reaching out to the many Girl Scout alumni who hold this place dear.
For the Future
FoCH has been given permission to conceptualize a series of four historic interpretation signs for the Kirby estate portion of the park. If the final designs are approved, FoCH will donate the cost of sign production and placement.
FoCH has been given permission to restore Kirby’s Mill. We are working with the RJRD board to research mill construction of the period, explore options, define the scope of work, and develop a plan for marketing and donor recognition.
We expect that the long range viability of these two projects will help determine the role of FoCH in the future of the park.
Other projects are currently being discussed with the RJRD board ( 5-20-2016)
Our Name Even though the name of the park has been changed from "Crowell Hilaka" to " Richfield Heritage Preserve", our name is staying the same for now. Our name was registered with the state in 2009 and with the IRS in 2015. We've built a reputation with it and we think that for the next year or two the name recognition will be useful in raising funds for the park.
Our accomplishments: .............since Richfield voted to purchase the property ( 2014)
-producing brochures and displays to educate people about Crowell Hilaka
- sending out The Mill Write, our twice-monthly e-newsletter
- maintaining a website, facebook page, and email newsletter about the property
- identifying trails
- protecting trees from beaver damage near North House and along Pine Lake Trail
- researching Crowell Hilaka history
- giving talks about Crowell Hilaka and its history
- leading visitor tours of the park
- removing multi-flora, barberry, and other invasive species
- reaching out to experts in historic preservation and wildlife management for consultation.
- writing the successful preliminary application for the National Registry of Historic Places
( at the request of the RJRD board) .
- writing the successful grant application for the Ohio Historic Preservation pipeline grant ( per request of the RJRD board) .
- hosting the Kirby Birthday party on September 27, 2015 and September 25, 2016 to promote science fun
- assisting with installation of the Buckeye Trail through Crowell Hilaka
- assisting the Ohio Horseman's Council of Summit County with Derby Day May 7, 2016
- ongoing research on historic mills to provide context for Kirby's Mill
- architechural and structural evaluation of KIrby's Mill
- FoCH members also volunteer with RJRD projects and committees
We are a group of community leaders, conservationists, outdoor recreation advocates, and historians who are committed to preserving Richfield Heritage Preserve, the 336-acre former Kirby and Neal estates in Richfield, Ohio. Prior to becoming a public park under the administration of the Richfield Joint Recreation District ( RJRD) in 2015, the property was a popular Girl Scout camp. Organized and incorporated in 2009; FoCH became a 501c3 in 2015 following Richfield's decision to purchase and protect the land. Our continuing mission is to promote the many positive benefits of the Preserve.
Because the park is so new, everyone is still figuring out the best way to do things. One of the ways we hope we can assist is to raise funds for park improvement. We believe we can do this by promoting the unique features of the park throughout the Northeast Ohio region and by reaching out to the many Girl Scout alumni who hold this place dear.
For the Future
FoCH has been given permission to conceptualize a series of four historic interpretation signs for the Kirby estate portion of the park. If the final designs are approved, FoCH will donate the cost of sign production and placement.
FoCH has been given permission to restore Kirby’s Mill. We are working with the RJRD board to research mill construction of the period, explore options, define the scope of work, and develop a plan for marketing and donor recognition.
We expect that the long range viability of these two projects will help determine the role of FoCH in the future of the park.
Other projects are currently being discussed with the RJRD board ( 5-20-2016)
Our Name Even though the name of the park has been changed from "Crowell Hilaka" to " Richfield Heritage Preserve", our name is staying the same for now. Our name was registered with the state in 2009 and with the IRS in 2015. We've built a reputation with it and we think that for the next year or two the name recognition will be useful in raising funds for the park.
Our accomplishments: .............since Richfield voted to purchase the property ( 2014)
-producing brochures and displays to educate people about Crowell Hilaka
- sending out The Mill Write, our twice-monthly e-newsletter
- maintaining a website, facebook page, and email newsletter about the property
- identifying trails
- protecting trees from beaver damage near North House and along Pine Lake Trail
- researching Crowell Hilaka history
- giving talks about Crowell Hilaka and its history
- leading visitor tours of the park
- removing multi-flora, barberry, and other invasive species
- reaching out to experts in historic preservation and wildlife management for consultation.
- writing the successful preliminary application for the National Registry of Historic Places
( at the request of the RJRD board) .
- writing the successful grant application for the Ohio Historic Preservation pipeline grant ( per request of the RJRD board) .
- hosting the Kirby Birthday party on September 27, 2015 and September 25, 2016 to promote science fun
- assisting with installation of the Buckeye Trail through Crowell Hilaka
- assisting the Ohio Horseman's Council of Summit County with Derby Day May 7, 2016
- ongoing research on historic mills to provide context for Kirby's Mill
- architechural and structural evaluation of KIrby's Mill
- FoCH members also volunteer with RJRD projects and committees
.......during the transition 2013-2014
- Worked with the Western Reserve Land Conservancy to raise funds to purchase the property via a pledge campaign ( 2013)
- Presented information to governments, securing endorsements from Richfield, Township, Village, and Historical Society (2013)
- Conducted tours of the property for community leaders and the public ( 2013)
- Established our logo and tag line: "Preserve Ohio's Hidden Treasure"
- Introduced Village and Township officials to WRLC agents to begin the Working Group
- Worked to keep Richfield residents informed via mailings, fliers, event booths, and door to door canvassing
- Released our pledges ( including $33,000.00 from the Buckeye Trail Association ) and individually encouraged donors to re-direct funds to the Richfield Together campaign for issues 10 & 11
- Organized the four public open houses of 2014
- Donated gravel to dry out KIrby House road for the open houses
- Door to door campaigning
- Greeted voters at the polls on election day
Meeting - Feb 2015
.........working with GSNEO 2009-2012
- In partnership with Camp Friends and Friends of Camp Lejnar, raised c. $105,000 for legal fees and public awareness campaign to defend rights of GSNEO members.
- Designed , sponsored and implemented weekend campout for a low-income troop
- Originated the concept of the very popular “Sunday Funday” programs to acquaint members and community with Crowell Hilaka.
Sunday Funday programs we designed, funded, and implemented include:- Halloweekend: November 2009, 2010, 2011
- Winter Fun: Feb 2010, 2011
- Let’s Move (wellness): June 2010
- Pioneer Days (history): June 2011
- Camping, Patches, Badges, O My! (orienteering): August, 2010
- Want Butterflies? Feed Caterpillars! (native plants/environmental): Sept 2010
- Girl Scouting through the Ages (history): August 2011
- S’more Enchanted Evening (fundraiser): August 2012
- Created the FoCH website, highlighting programs and history
- Researched camp history through original documents, located the lake patent & title transfers, established the age of the Oviatt farmhouse.
- Developed and funded Camp Grants program to bring cost of troop rentals at Crowell Hilaka into line with site rentals at other GSNEO camps.
- Assisted GSNEO in providing camp information and reservation services on its website.
- Research into insurance regulations which allowed GSNEO to develop more liberal camp access policies.
- Contacted the Western Reserve Land Conservancy about the property, provided the initial tour of the property for Conservancy representatives in 2009. Consulted on the initial offer for WRLC conservation easements to GSNEO.
- Established partnership ( as well as friendship ) with the Richfield Historical Society
Want to know more?
FoCH Board of Directors and Advisory Panel:
What we’ve been up to
The official rules
Our timeline ( most recent at top)