President - Corey Ann Ringle (2027) has served on our board since 2010 and as president since 2013. She became familiar with the park as a Girl Scout and first camped there in 1990. In 1997 Corey and other members of her Girl Scout troop built the permanent orienteering courses in the park. The historic buildings on the property piqued her interest in historic architecture and informed her career direction. She holds a master’s degree in architecture from Kent State University, is a registered architect, currently working at RDL Architects. In addition to serving as president, Corey leads the Historic Home Stabilization Task Force who has investigated and reported on the condition of Amity, North, and Kirby. The task force works with volunteers to complete the recommendations, including the work done to stabilize Amity House's floor joists and southeast porch. Corey was the 2019 winner of the prestigious Mark Ferguson award for classical architecture. ICAA article

Vice President - Karen Smik (2025) writes news articles and assists with special events for Friends. She is co-chair of the Winter Wonders fundraiser/friendraiser and a member of several committees including Bylaws, Fundraising, Marketing and Membership. Karen is a very active volunteer and is also involved with a number of community and school-related organizations. She has a son/daughter-in-law, daughter/son-in-law and 3 granddaughters. While she has lived in Richfield most of her adult life, she had never been to what is now known as Richfield Heritage Preserve until 2014 when Richfield residents were invited to tour the property. She ended up serving as treasurer of the committee that successfullly campaigned to save the Camp Crowell Hilaka property, now RHP. Karen is now a passionate fan of this inspiring and historically significant place.

Secretary - Dr. Rachel Oppenheimer (2026) has been involved with the Friends since their very first meeting in 2009. She became familiar with the property as a camper---beginning in the 1990s and extending through her work as a riding instructor at the Summer Barn between 2003 and 2005. She served on the Friends’ Board of Directors from 2010-2019, and again with a term starting in 2023. She oversees the Friends’ Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts and assists with Facebook. She holds a PhD in history from Carnegie Mellon University and now teaches history at the collegiate level. pending

Treasurer - Rob Richardson (2027) is the Friends of RHP founder. He serves as the chair of the Bylaws Committee. He is also a software developer, a musician, a photographer and a railfan, combining as many of them as possible, wherever possible.

Terry Duncan (2026) is retired from the Social Security Administration where she was active in her union---serving as president of her Ohio Local, editor of the local and national council newsletters, and national council treasurer. She served on Olmsted Falls City Council for six years. Currently, she volunteers as webmaster and newsletter editor for the Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association (ONAPA). She is Habitat Stewards Host for the National Wildlife Federation and fills many roles in the Olmstead Falls Garden Club. Terry has served on the Friends of RHP advisory panel for a year and is the newly appointed co-chair of Friends’ Marketing Committee. She is married to Mark, a retired photographer for the Associated Press. Terry is a former Girl Scout. Her husband and their two sons are Eagle Scouts.

Bert Drennen (2027) joined the Friends of RHP in 2019 after attending an archaeological hike and meeting some of the Friends. He immediately fell in love with the park and its cultural, natural, and historic resources, and wanted to be more involved. Although a lifelong Ohioan, he and his wife, Carol, moved from Ashtabula County to Broadview Heights in 2018 to be near their daughter and her family. With a background in historic preservation and community service, he became a member of the Broadview Heights Historical Society and the Richfield Historical Society. But the real draw for his involvement was the Friends and the historical and architectural elements of the Richfield Heritage Preserve, including Oviatt House. Bert has participated in many of the educational hikes at RHP, been a docent at Kirby’s Mill for several years, and most recently served on the Advisory Panel.

Clive Fetzer (2025) first started visiting Richfield Heritage Preserve in 2016. He was captivated by the natural beauty, historic heritage, and great potential of the park. He joined the Friends that same year. Clive's degree is in linguistics. His area of research, where he did extensive field research, was the mountain highlands of Guatemala. He has recently retired from the surgical processing department of Cleveland Clinic. Clive served on the Friends' Advisory Panel, Kirby Day Committee, and Bylaws committee for several years. He is a member of the Invasive Species Management work crew. Clive takes well-deserved pride in referring to himself as the Friends' handyman and troubleshooter on projects and at events., and continues to work for the success of Friends' mission and outreach to park visitors.

Cynthia McWilliams (2026) has been a member of Friends and served on the advisory board for many years. She is a member of the Invasive Plant Management Task Force and a member of the Ohio Horseman’s Council. Her interest in preservation led her to renovate the 1840’s stone cottage where she lives and from which she operates a landscape design and maintenance firm, a dog boarding kennel and a horse boarding and training stable. Her interest in RHP began the minute she drove down the drive during one of the FoCH Open Houses in 2014. “It aligned my fondest memories of decades spent at summer camps (as a camper and riding instructor) with igniting the future possibilities for RHP.” Her contributions to RHP include providing seasonal floral displays, helping to coordinate successful fundraising events such as Derby Day, Winter Wonders, and the "one in a MILL-ion" Centennial Celebration. Whenever her schedule allows, she loves to ride the bridle trails at RHP and hike with two and four legged friends. She currently serves as chair of the Fundraising Committee.

Sandy Norris (2025) became a member of the Friends of RHP in 2014. A former buyer and department head for Higbee’s Department Stores, she now deploys her career experience by designing and managing the Friends' merchandise sales. She initiated the weekly TLC service in RHP in 2018 and continues to lead it today. (TLC stands for Trash & Latrine Cleaning as well as Tender Loving Care.) As a manager, her motto is, ‘Never ask someone to do something you wouldn’t do yourself”. Her friendly effervescence is appreciated by co-workers and park visitors alike. Sandy is a long-time resident of Richfield Village. She is married to Pat Norris, is the mother of Carrie Norris Marshall and grandmother to Maddie & Calvin.
Social media team
Chris Naizer
Rachel Oppenheimer
Advisory Panel
Joanie Gottschling - Crowell Hilaka Memories project
April Hawkins - member records
Nancy Kanik - Park Patrol; TLC
Debbie Kazar - marketing/fundraising committee
Rob Kazar- videographer
Gary LaGuardia - Historic Structures
Heather Liccardi - liaison to Rocky River Watershed council
Chris Naizer - Facebook coordinator
Pat Norris - Historic Structures
Elizabeth Reboudo - volunteer hours
Lynn Richardson - Historian
Beth Sanderson - Chair, INvasive Species Task Force. Co chair, Marketing
Donna Spiegler - chair of the Winter Wonders Bakery. Treasurer Emeritus 2010-2022
Barbara Starr - Membership committee chair
Betty Vandermeer - Hospitality; TLC
Doug Wisneski- Historic Structures
Joanie Gottschling - Crowell Hilaka Memories project
April Hawkins - member records
Nancy Kanik - Park Patrol; TLC
Debbie Kazar - marketing/fundraising committee
Rob Kazar- videographer
Gary LaGuardia - Historic Structures
Heather Liccardi - liaison to Rocky River Watershed council
Chris Naizer - Facebook coordinator
Pat Norris - Historic Structures
Elizabeth Reboudo - volunteer hours
Lynn Richardson - Historian
Beth Sanderson - Chair, INvasive Species Task Force. Co chair, Marketing
Donna Spiegler - chair of the Winter Wonders Bakery. Treasurer Emeritus 2010-2022
Barbara Starr - Membership committee chair
Betty Vandermeer - Hospitality; TLC
Doug Wisneski- Historic Structures