2017 FoCH board election
Jenny Austin. A member of FoCH since 2010, Jenny is a talented graphic designer who designed and created the FoCH website and the new Richfield Historical Society website. She has strong local community ties, growing up in North Royalton and Brecksville and now living in Hinckley. Her husband graduated from Revere High School in 1987. Jenny facilitated the construction of the Hinckley Metropark Sledding Hill Guide Rope, has volunteered at the Hinckley Buzzard celebration for the past 7 years, and hascoordinated the Hinckley Community Garage Sale Day. She is the director of a summer day camp at Redwing Cabin for over 150 scouts each summer. For these and numerous smaller projects, she was nominated for volunteer of the year at Hinckley Elementary school in 2016. She currently works for the U.S.Census Bureau as a field representative. She is an avid traveler who loves to incorporate her experiences into innovative programming.
Lynn Richardson is the co-founder of FoCH along with her husband Rob. She currently serves as the FoCH historian, tracking down stories of the Preserve and sharing them as a speaker( available on request). She hopes to eventually write a book about it all once the current workload settles down. She updates the FoCH website and has been the FoCH secretary since 2016. A (mostly) retired RN, she maintains two street gardens in Bedford and plays with her grandkids whenever possible. Richfield Heritage Preserve is her favorite place in the whole world.
Barb Starr. Having first set foot on the property in the late 1990’s as a Troop Leader, Barbara Starr thought she had found heaven on earth. Like most, she felt that a hidden treasure had been revealed to her. She was one of the first members of FoCH and is ecstatic the property was saved by the residents of Richfield. Retiring after 37 years at USPS in which 27 years were spent delivering mail to the northeast section of Richfield Township she now has time to enjoy life. Barbara has gladly taken on the tasks of intaking membership applications, maintaining the membership database, attending RJRD meetings regularly and participating in whatever FoCH needs to maintain the mission. She’s been married for 43 years, has two children and three grandsons. She likes to spend time hiking on the property and will gladly stop and talk and answer any questions and more importantly listen to any stories one might have about their experiences at Richfield Heritage Preserve (formerly Crowell Hilaka).
Voting Procedure.
Voting takes place at the FoCH meeting on March 21, 2017 at the Historical Museum of Richfield.
Only current members ( dues paid for calendar year 2017 ) are eligible to vote. Dues may be paid at the meeting prior to the vote.
Proxy votes are permitted with written notification per FoCH Code of Regulations.
Voters mark "Yes", " No" , or "Abstain" for each candidate. Ballots marked "abstain" for a particular candidate will not count in the total tally for that candidate.
Candidates must receive a majority of votes to be elected.
In the event that there are vacancies on the board after the election, the FoCH board will fill the vacancy per FoCH Code of Regulation.
Voting takes place at the FoCH meeting on March 21, 2017 at the Historical Museum of Richfield.
Only current members ( dues paid for calendar year 2017 ) are eligible to vote. Dues may be paid at the meeting prior to the vote.
Proxy votes are permitted with written notification per FoCH Code of Regulations.
Voters mark "Yes", " No" , or "Abstain" for each candidate. Ballots marked "abstain" for a particular candidate will not count in the total tally for that candidate.
Candidates must receive a majority of votes to be elected.
In the event that there are vacancies on the board after the election, the FoCH board will fill the vacancy per FoCH Code of Regulation.