The original, handwritten source was two facing pages of a very large book. The two pages together form a single chart with various farm categories across the top, and the name of each farmer in the first column. Unfortunately I had to copy each of those two pages separately so that the entries are large enough to be legible.
Click here to see the chart.
The categories are:
2. “improved” acres
3. wooded acres
4. other, unimproved acres
5. cash value of farm
6. cash value of farming implements and machinery
7. total amount of wages paid during the year, including value of board
8. horses
9. mules & asses
10. milch cows
11. working oxen
12. other cattle
13. sheep
14. swine
15. value of all live stock
16. spring wheat (bushels)
17. winter wheat
18. rye
19. Indian corn
20. oats
21. barley
22. buckwheat
23. rice (lbs.)
24. tobacco (lbs.)
25. cotton (bales )
26. wool (lbs.)
27. peas & beans (bushels)
28. Irish potatoes
29. sweet potatoes
30. orchard products (dollars)
31. wine (gallons)
32. produce of market gardens (dollars)
33. butter (lbs.)
34. cheese (lbs.)
35. milk sold (gallons)
36. hay (tons)
37. clover (bushels)
38. grass (bushels)
39. hops (lbs.)
40. hemp (tons)
41. flax (lbs.)
42. flax seed (bushels )
43. silk cocoons (lbs.)
44. maple sugar
45. cane sugar
46. molasses
47. wax
48. honey
49. forest products
50. value of home manufactures
51. value of animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter
52. estimated value of all farm production
The Freeman’s farm is on line 38. It shows a prosperous business, second only to “Lord” Farnham.
Click here to see the chart.
The categories are:
2. “improved” acres
3. wooded acres
4. other, unimproved acres
5. cash value of farm
6. cash value of farming implements and machinery
7. total amount of wages paid during the year, including value of board
8. horses
9. mules & asses
10. milch cows
11. working oxen
12. other cattle
13. sheep
14. swine
15. value of all live stock
16. spring wheat (bushels)
17. winter wheat
18. rye
19. Indian corn
20. oats
21. barley
22. buckwheat
23. rice (lbs.)
24. tobacco (lbs.)
25. cotton (bales )
26. wool (lbs.)
27. peas & beans (bushels)
28. Irish potatoes
29. sweet potatoes
30. orchard products (dollars)
31. wine (gallons)
32. produce of market gardens (dollars)
33. butter (lbs.)
34. cheese (lbs.)
35. milk sold (gallons)
36. hay (tons)
37. clover (bushels)
38. grass (bushels)
39. hops (lbs.)
40. hemp (tons)
41. flax (lbs.)
42. flax seed (bushels )
43. silk cocoons (lbs.)
44. maple sugar
45. cane sugar
46. molasses
47. wax
48. honey
49. forest products
50. value of home manufactures
51. value of animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter
52. estimated value of all farm production
The Freeman’s farm is on line 38. It shows a prosperous business, second only to “Lord” Farnham.