Camp Life, 1960's
The 1960 fee schedule for campsite rentals was printed in the Nov/ Dec 1959 edition of The Millwheel, along with an explanation.
Snowball follow up:
The Council recruited international counselors for summer resident camp.
The September/ October 1962 edition of The Millwheel reports " two highly successful Summer seasons have been rung up at our two resident Girl Scout camps." Camp Margaret Bates ran at its full capacity of 500 and a total of 875 participated at camp at Julia Crowell over the four session. Miss Jean Brown, the CJC camp director said that in terms of programming , the Senior Primitive was the most exciting. Other popular units were Waterfront, Paddler, Intermediate Primitive, and Fine Arts.
"An especially memorable time was had by the twelve Crowell-based girls who went ona canoe trip of 143 miles down the Manistee River in Michigan. They were under the guidance of Mr. Jack Metcalf of Red Cross Disaster Services and Mrs. Metcalf.
"Both camps had foreign counselors and in addition, Crowell had about 40 campers from other sections of Ohio and from West Virginia and Kentucky."
Confession: as you may guess, the headline from this 1966 Millwheel that first caught my eye was the popularity of the camping badge. But I liked that it was next to the unbearably quaint directive on the use of white gloves. Then there are the rest of the articles on making the world a better place-
only too bad about that baby Boy Scout!
The 1969 annual report was published in the Millwheel, March 1970