election results, issues 10 & 11
elections results from the Summit County Board of Elections http://www.summitcountyboe.com/ElectionResults/Results/elect110414G.htm
Issue 10 - Richfield Joint Rec Dist- Proposed Bond Issue $7,100,000, 28 Years
FOR THE BOND ISSUE . . . . . . . 1,509 ( 55.72 % ) AGAINST THE BOND ISSUE . . . . . . 1,199 ( 44.28 % )
Issue 11 - Richfield Joint Rec Dist - Proposed Tax Levy Additional, 0.5 mill, 10 Years
FOR THE TAX LEVY . . . . . . . . 1,498 ( 54.71%) AGAINST THE TAX LEVY. . . . . . . 1,240 (45.29%)
Waiting for the election results in the basement of Richfield Tavern. Mike Wheeler delivers the news.
back row: Kelly Clark ( peeking around post) Donna Spiegler, Jenny Austin, Corey Ringle, Lynn Richardson, campaign co-chair Sandy Apidone
front row: campaign chair Bobbie Beshara, Chris Naizer
back row: Kelly Clark ( peeking around post) Donna Spiegler, Jenny Austin, Corey Ringle, Lynn Richardson, campaign co-chair Sandy Apidone
front row: campaign chair Bobbie Beshara, Chris Naizer
An emotional moment. Friends Lynn Richardson, Corey Ringle, and Lucy Hanigosky