Kirby Day 2022 sponsorship
Kirby Day celebrates the legacy of well-known inventor Jim Kirby, who was the creative link between engineering and environment on the land which became his home, then a camp and now a public park! It’s a day when the whole family can explore winding trails and discover creative solutions to challenges. There will be food, fun and even a treasure hunt! Attendees will be able to:
Sponsorship Levels
$25-$99 Experimenter
$100-$249 Engineer
$250 & up Inventor
All event sponsors will be listed on a donor recognition sign prominently displayed at the event and acknowledged on our website.
Click the button at the top of the page to download your sponsorship form. Make your check payable to Friends of RHP and send it to:
Friends of RHP / 100 Wandle Ave. /Bedford, OH 44146
Or make your sponsorship payment online here. ( Paypal does take a small percentage of your contribution) Make sure to specify that it is a KIRBY DAY sponsorship!
For questions about the event and/or sponsorships, contact Karen Smik at [email protected] or 330-659-4750.
- Construct an outsized marble run
- Learn the game of marbles
- Enjoy crafts, games, and other activities
- Purchase Kirby’s Mill souvenirs
- Tour some of the park’s historic structures
Sponsorship Levels
$25-$99 Experimenter
$100-$249 Engineer
$250 & up Inventor
All event sponsors will be listed on a donor recognition sign prominently displayed at the event and acknowledged on our website.
Click the button at the top of the page to download your sponsorship form. Make your check payable to Friends of RHP and send it to:
Friends of RHP / 100 Wandle Ave. /Bedford, OH 44146
Or make your sponsorship payment online here. ( Paypal does take a small percentage of your contribution) Make sure to specify that it is a KIRBY DAY sponsorship!
For questions about the event and/or sponsorships, contact Karen Smik at [email protected] or 330-659-4750.