Our Supporters 2013
Below is a List of all our pledges and donations presented to the Friends of Crowell Hilaka. Thank you to all our supporters; your pledges and donations will help preserve this land for future generations. A pledge is a promise of a monetary amount to be collected in the future for the purchase of Crowell Hilaka. A donation is a monetary amount given to help with the current expenses of our organization, including but not limited to our current public awareness campaign.
Our Pledges
$50 - $99
$100 - $499
$500 - $999
$1000 - $4999
Over $5000
The Buckeye Trail Association for relocating the Buckeye Trail through Crowell Hilaka
Our Donors
$100 - $499
$500 - $999
$1000 - $4999
Plus we want to acknowledge the hundreds of people who donated/ raised approximately $80,000 for the legal effort to give members of GSNEO a voice in their council |