Western Reserve Land Conservancy Index for Crowell Hilaka property
( lka Richfield Heritage Preserve) 2014
by Judy Semroc and Larry Roshe
This study was undertaken August 29 and 31, 2012 when WRLC had a purchase option on the property. A follow up survey was done on September 26, 2014 prior to Richfield voting to purchase the property. All three lists were combines into this report whihc includes 49 species of birds, 8 amphibians, 3 reptiles, 3 fish, 10 mammals, 17 butterflies, 23 moths,134 herbaceous plants, 56 woody plants, and more. Note that all the surveys were done in late summer and do not include the spring ephemerals. This, as well as an undated wildlife survey by John Katko,were included in the "Summit Headwater Divide" application for the Clean Ohio grant, Appendix H (starting on page 22).