Wonken Tonken
A favorite platform tent unit just South of the gas cut. The name is said to mean "Light at the Top of the Hill" in a native tribal language. Some say that in Lakota, the words "Waken Tanka" is the name of the Great Spirit. It's impossible to know the "right spelling" because native languages weren't written down. But certainly the spirit of the name evokes a Sacred Power breaking through common reality at this place.
The September, 1984 edition of The Millwheel mentions: ....the trees cut down to clear the area for the new Waken Tonka [sp] Tent Unit were also cut into lumber and used to build the shelter. It's good planning and sentimental too! I found that in talking to Peg [the camp manager] that careful planning and use of everything is studied and practiced in our camps. Well, that should be no surprise, typical Girl Scouts always!"
Wayside Shelter was most likely the old Wanken Tanka, according to a map showing it to be on the north side of the gas cut. It was built in 1967; part of the major upgrade & expansion of the camp. It replaced the old Innisfree unit. ( source: 1967 Hilaka camp director report, page 1, paragraph 2 and page 2, paragraph 2)
Dawn Thomson's memories of Wonken Tonken
The September, 1984 edition of The Millwheel mentions: ....the trees cut down to clear the area for the new Waken Tonka [sp] Tent Unit were also cut into lumber and used to build the shelter. It's good planning and sentimental too! I found that in talking to Peg [the camp manager] that careful planning and use of everything is studied and practiced in our camps. Well, that should be no surprise, typical Girl Scouts always!"
Wayside Shelter was most likely the old Wanken Tanka, according to a map showing it to be on the north side of the gas cut. It was built in 1967; part of the major upgrade & expansion of the camp. It replaced the old Innisfree unit. ( source: 1967 Hilaka camp director report, page 1, paragraph 2 and page 2, paragraph 2)
Dawn Thomson's memories of Wonken Tonken