- Kirby's former dance hall & recreation lodge became the camp dining hall. A kitchen was constructed behind its massive fireplace. A separate cabin was built behind the kitchen for the cook.
- Kirby's House became the administrative headquarters for the resident camp as well as the infirmary.
- A small house north of Kirby House was kept, eventually becoming known as "The Nature Hut".
- Kirby's Mill became an Arts & Crafts studio.
- The farmer living with his family in the old Oviatt House stayed on as camp handy man, a job that eventually became "camp manager".
On August 9, 1937, the recreation hall on the property was named "Garfield Hall" in honor of Eleanor Garfield.
On August 17, the home that James Kirby built was dedicated as "Kirby House".
August 22, 1937. Plain Dealer article: " Girl Scouts Planting Trees at New Camp Julia Crowell" -- Plans for developing the new campsite recently acquired by the Cleveland Girl Scouts at West Richfield are under way. Reforestation at Camp Julia Crowell has begun under the direction of Miss Helen Banta, nature counselor. A group of Scouts will confer with Roy Patten, forester from the Ohio Agricultural Experimental Station, Wooster, to set up an all-year-round program of reforestation.
Brownies in Orchard Way, youngest unit in the new camp are going through the ceremony of having magic powder blown on them so they can ascend to Wendy's House at the edge of Never, Never Land. Wendy's House is a tree house built especially for Brownie tea parties and story hours.
Wednesday afternoon, girls from Orchard Way will follow a paper trail to the upper lake . They will dress in masquerade costumes depicting their favorite imaginative characters. Miss Helen Sasse, unit leader, is assisted in the Orchard Way program by Miss Nancy Jenkins and Miss Mary J. Jesse".
Orchard Way continued to be the Brownie area for at least a few more years. A PD article on July 30, 1939 : " Brownie Troops to Take Over Girl Scout Camp --Camp Julia Crowell will be host to Greater Cleveland's Brownie troops. The campers will live in the camps Orchard Way unit under the supervision of Elizabeth Shardon with Louise Mathews assisting. Brownies checking in this afternoon will include Janet Hauserman, Barbara Fox, Susan Duff, Nancy Currie, Jean Taylor, Nancy Brown, Lorna Becker, Ruth Brackenbush, Jean Calhoun, Margaret Seltzer, Mary Louise Seltzer, Marjorie Reichard, Betty Stephens, Margery Will, Patricia Vinal, Polly Price, Jean Miller, Dorothy McClean, and Barbara McKinney.
Brownies in Orchard Way, youngest unit in the new camp are going through the ceremony of having magic powder blown on them so they can ascend to Wendy's House at the edge of Never, Never Land. Wendy's House is a tree house built especially for Brownie tea parties and story hours.
Wednesday afternoon, girls from Orchard Way will follow a paper trail to the upper lake . They will dress in masquerade costumes depicting their favorite imaginative characters. Miss Helen Sasse, unit leader, is assisted in the Orchard Way program by Miss Nancy Jenkins and Miss Mary J. Jesse".
Orchard Way continued to be the Brownie area for at least a few more years. A PD article on July 30, 1939 : " Brownie Troops to Take Over Girl Scout Camp --Camp Julia Crowell will be host to Greater Cleveland's Brownie troops. The campers will live in the camps Orchard Way unit under the supervision of Elizabeth Shardon with Louise Mathews assisting. Brownies checking in this afternoon will include Janet Hauserman, Barbara Fox, Susan Duff, Nancy Currie, Jean Taylor, Nancy Brown, Lorna Becker, Ruth Brackenbush, Jean Calhoun, Margaret Seltzer, Mary Louise Seltzer, Marjorie Reichard, Betty Stephens, Margery Will, Patricia Vinal, Polly Price, Jean Miller, Dorothy McClean, and Barbara McKinney.
December 5, 1937. Plain Dealer article: " Scout Camp 'Sold Out' on Sports' Lure -- Booked solidly for every week until January 1, Camp Julia Crowell in West Richfield will provide Girl Scouts from all sections of Cleveland a variety of outdoor activities and winter sports. First to take advantage of these trips will be members of Troop 52. On Dec.18 Troop 54 will has scheduled an overnight hike for Dec/ 19 and 20. And following them on the next day will come members of Troop 11. "